Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Week 22 March 27, 2016 "Bençõas da Páscoa!!"

Whoa, this week has been interesting, butin a good way!! 

Sister Spindler and I have been working hard to "fazer contatos." Our goal this week was to get 280 contacts, but we found 286 contact!!!! that was pretty cool! Especially talking to people about the importance of Easter :) 

Almost everyone took Good Friday off from work, and so it was a little hard to work that day. Also, basically, everyone was eating fish because of the Catholic traditions. I never quite understood specific traditions around Easter time for many religions, but I understand a little more now. Even though it was a bit difficult that day, we were, however, able to talk to Valdorizon a little bit more, and what would happen during his interview Saturday, and about his baptism Sunday!

And now for the really cool Pascoa experience......

I thought a lot about Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Easter Morning, and remembered that it rained a lot on Friday, Saturday was cloudy and cool, and Sunday morning was bright with Sunshine! What a perfect reminder for me about our Savior.

Our new Investigator, Hilda, who we have only had two lessons with is so excited to learn more! She stayed for the whole three hours! 
Another investigator, Jefferson, also stayed the whole time! We are hoping that he will continue to prepare for his baptism on the 3rd of April!!!
Remember when I talked about a man that we started teaching who was Athiest? He told us a while back that he didn´t want to continue.....HE TOO CAME TO CHURCH!!!! That was so cool!!! He told us that he had been thinking about everything, and decided to come to church, and to surprise us! He only stayed for the first hour, but he told us that he liked it! We plan on visiting him this week :D
One young women in our ward brought 3 of her non-member friends!!!! I heard from my companion that they liked it, so we will be talking to her later this week about getting in contact with them!
Valdorizon came, but he didn´t stay....Sister Spindler and I were upset that he wasn´t baptized. His sister is against it, and wants him to be baptized in her church; this makes things hard for him. Later in the day, Sister Spindler felt impressed to call him, but brushed that thought away saying that we would call, and visit him on Tuesday. For a second time she felt the impression to call him a biy stronger, and so she did. He was on the bus, and it was hard to understand, but plans were made to meat in front of Subway to talk. He told her that he was on his way, and that he now had a sure belief that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was true. What?!!

He said that after he left the meeting, he thought a lot about the church, his sister, and other things. He said that he offered a silent prayer while thinking, "if the church is really true, The Sisters will call me today, I won´t accept any other day." And what do you know, Sister Spindler was impressed and did so. He now has a firm testimony, and plans are now made for his baptism to be on Friday, Sister Spindlers Birthday!!!! I am so excited!!!! 

Transfers are on the 10th of April...We´re sad :( We love our companionship so much, but I know that the Lord has other plans, and so we will obey and be happy! :)

I love you all so much, take care!
Boa semana, até mais! Tchau!!

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